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It is an honor that you have decided to come to my blog and read the thoughts and reflections that accompany my journey with Christ. Psalms 45:1 declares ...I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer. I pray that as you read and reflect on the words written here, the Holy Spirit will minister to you as I journal experiences from my life and ministry. MAY ALL GOD'S BLESSINGS BE YOURS, FOREVER. - ASW

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

He Warned me About the Storm

Even though your winds blow
I want you to know
You cause me no alarm
Cause I'm safe in his arms
Even though your rain falls
I can still make this call
Let there be peace
Now I can say go away
I command you to move today
Because faith I have a new day
The sun will shine--I will be okay
That's what I told the storm!

I told the storm to pass
Storm you can't last
Go away - I command you to move today
Storm - When God speaks 
Storm-  You've got to cease
That's what I told the storm!

Wind stop blowing!
Flood stop flooding!
Lightning stop flashing!
Breakers stop dashing!
Darkness go away!
Clouds move away!
That's what I told the storm!

Death can't shake me!
My job can't make me!
Bills can't break me!
Disease can't take me!
Enemies can't drown me!
Cause my God surrounds me!
That's what I told the storm!

I'm so glad that the Lord warned be about the storm.  One Sunday, I was getting ready for service and I heard thunder clashing outside.  For a second, I had a human moment and said, "Maybe I should not try to go to service today, because it sounds like its going to really pour today."  Of course reason over ruled and said no, so I continued to dress.  The sky was very dark and it was very humid, the perfect signs that a storm was on the way.  The winds had even began to pick up as we went into the sanctuary.  It was youth day, and I had promised my sister (who is the youth pastor at her church) that I would be there to support her.  

We went on with the service, and she was led by God to call me up to the pulpit to have words.  God is amazing.  I began to exhort the congregation about the storm.  I referenced how Jesus had to command the winds and the waves to be still as He spoke peace over the tumultuous waters.    Then the minister-in-training, who was scheduled to give inspirational words, spoke from the SAME text, same topic, same illustrations that God had given her the night before.  We knew without a doubt that the word of the Lord was going forth and we had better give an ear to hear what He had to say.  

Were we in a storm in that moment?  No.  God just used the weather to speak to us concerning the storm.  But the following weeks would prove to be challenging and God was speaking prophetically into our situations.  I won't go into what everyone's storm was, but mine was challenging at best.  In fact, the winds are still blowing.  I've had news of death, separations, financial threats, family issues, and even health concerns but all are just a part of life.  I'm determined to "get to the other side."  

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